Research shows you can gain confidence from taking action and doing the “thing.” You can apply this same idea to your wardrobe. When you take steps to find and elevate your style, you will likely find that you can unleash a new level of confidence and success. Whether you are an executive, in corporate, management, or an entrepreneur, when you elevate your wardrobe it can change how you project and inspire confidence, authority, and leadership.
Here are a couple of easy steps to find your style and unleash new confidence. Unleash your confidence by making time to get dressed in “real” clothes more days than not. The simple action of getting up and getting dressed can be transformative. Pay attention to what you feel good in, what pieces give you confidence, or if any colors boost your mood or help you feel empowered.
If nothing in your wardrobe resonates with you, give yourself permission to try new things. You change and evolve, and what once fit you, your personality and style may have changed too. You may be surprised at how much your confidence improves as you experiment with new styles that feel authentic.
In my forties, I gained weight and went from a size fourteen to a sixteen. When I invested in clothes that fit my new body, my confidence soared. After working with clients of different sizes and ages, I found that one of the quickest ways to unleash new confidence is to invest in clothes that fit. When you make the shift to embrace and celebrate who you are now, it can be powerful. Finding clothes that fit well enhances not only your appearance but also your confidence.
The last step to unleash your confidence with your wardrobe is to stop waiting. When you procrastinate until you’re a size “X” or lose “Y” pounds you put your life on hold. Decide to action towards finding what lights you up, fits the body you have now, and makes you feel empowered.
Over the years, I have heard from many clients that after working together, they closed the deal, spoke up more, positively impacted their mindset, felt confident and empowered, and more. When you consistently present yourself authentically and unleash your inner confidence, your inner critic may likely be silent, which allows you to cultivate a stronger sense of self. If you’re unsure of how or where to start, reach out. I am here to help. You can book a Style Inspo Session HERE.