Wearing a bright color can brighten your mood, help you stand out at work, make you feel more extroverted, and more.

I often hear from clients that, in general, they wear the same pieces week in and week out because it’s easier. When you’re used to wearing pieces a certain way you don’t “need” to create new outfits because what you’re wearing works, until it doesn’t.

When I work with clients on a Closet Edit Session a big part is letting go of the pieces that are no longer working for them. Another transformation that happens is pairing pieces they already have in new ways to create new outfits they never thought of wearing.

One easy way to create new outfits, using what you have, is to pair neutrals, worn in the fall or winter season, with bright colors you have in your closet for spring and summer.  Not only does this create new outfits, without spending money, it also helps repurpose items normally worn only a few months of the year.

An easy way to pair a neutral with bright colors for spring is to pair a winter white pair of pants, or a skirt, with bright colors like:

  • coral
  • yellow

Chambray is another neutral you can pair with other neutrals and it can be worn year round.

Another way to pair a neutral with bright colors is to pair an olive skirt, or pants, with:

  • yellow
  • coral
  • bright pink

If you don’t have a winter white pair of pants or an olive skirt think about other neutrals you may have in your closet like black or navy. What bright colors do you have in your closet that you could use to create new outfits? I would love to hear from you.