I believe the first step to filling your closet with clothes you love is by letting go of what’s not working for you.  So, I wanted to share with you the top reasons women like you ask for help with their closets and wardrobe.  My clients are all ages and all sizes and they work in a number of different industries.

Clients who reach out and book a Closet Edit Session are women who typically…

  • have a closet full of clothes and are only wearing a third or less
  • are tired of wearing the same things over and over
  • have clothes that are too big or too small
  • can’t find anything because their closet is overwhelming

Whether you answered yes to one, two, or all of the reasons listed above you may be in need a Closet Edit Session.

My clients are typically successful women who want to…

  • have more confidence
  • feel beautiful and powerful
  • get dressed effortlessly and feel stylish everyday
  • present a clear image clients remember

Maybe you have struggled with imposter syndrome, are super busy and don’t have time to shop or put outfits together, and/or feel like you should “know” this. Whatever the reason, I am here to help. After a Closet Edit Session my clients share that they feel lighter, are excited to get dressed, have new outfit combinations using what they have in their closet, are more confident, feel stylish and more!

So what happens during a Closet Edit Session? I am glad you asked. You can expect to try on clothes to see what fits and what doesn’t, you will decide what you love and feel confident in and what you don’t, create new outfits using what you have, make a list of what you need or are missing, and more!

Style is not a size or a number on a scale. You can look good, feel good and have confidence no matter what your size or age. Recently, a client left me this review, “Elisa was AMAZING! She helped me get rid of pieces I was never going to wear again and then did a PHENOMENAL job helping me put outfits together with pieces in my closet…”

I have work with clients from 0 to 22 plus. If you are curious if this is right for you reach out 🙋🏻‍♀️ I am here to help. You can book a complimentary Style Inspo Session using this link. I look forward to hearing from you.